Friday, 29 March 2013

The Holy Quran states
48) Truly,It has been revealed to us that torment will be for

him who denies(believes not in the oneness of the Allah and

the Messengers etc.) and turns away(from the truth and

obedience of Allah)

49)Firaun(pharaoh) said: Who then Moosa(Moses) is the

Lord of You two ?
50) Moosa(Moses ) said:Our lord is He who gave to each

thing its from and the nature,then guided it Alright.
51)Firaun(pharaoh) said :What about the generations of the

Old ?
52) Moosa(Moses) said:The knowledge is there of with my

God,in a record My lord is neither unaware nor(does) he

53)Who has made earth for you like a bed(spread out) and

has opened the roads(way and the paths etc) for you there

in; and sent down water(rain) from the sky. And we have

brought forth with it various kinds of vegetation.
54) eat and pasture your cattle
(therein );verify,in this are proofs for men of understandings.
55)Thereof(the earth) we created you and into it we shall

return you and from it we shall bring you out once again
56)And indeed we showed him(firaun(pharaoh)) all our signs

and evidences,but he denied and refused.
78)Then firaun (pharaoh) pursued them with his hosts but

the sea water completely overwhelmed them and covered

them up
79)And firaun(pharaoh) led his people astray and did not

guided them

surit Taha


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